Friday, February 26, 2010

A Story about a Dog

While hunting for somewhere to live this week, we encountered an area called Shibuya. Shibuya has a huge railway station and just outside is Hachiko Square, which is one of the world's largest intersections. When the pedestrian crossing lights turn green, the entire intersection becomes a car-free area and you can cross at any angle. Quite impressive, if daunting.

Hugo and Ryan with Hachiko

The story of how the square got its name appealed to me and I hope it will appeal to anybody who loves or has loved a dog.

Hachiko Square got its name from a faithful dog that once waited by the station. As the legend goes, the dog, Hachiko, would wait everyday in the same spot for his master to return home from work. Hachiko faithfully waited by the station year after year, and night after night. Even years after his master had long passed away he faithfully waited. When Hachiko died on March 8th 1935, many hearts were touched. Today a statue of Hachiko resides in the square named after him and it has become the most famous meeting place in the city.

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