Thursday, March 18, 2010

Seoul moment

Well, I am finally back from the UK, where I spent 10 days. My main purpose of flying to England was to attend the funeral of my uncle. The memorial service was very special with readings by two of my cousins and a wonderful eulogy by the third. The poignant moment for me was when my uncle's 10-day old grandson was brought into the church by his father. He was born just hours before my uncle died, so a bittersweet moment for all of us.

I had a good time with Tony's mother and we even celebrated Mother's Day together with his sister, 3 of her children and a fiancee. A jolly lunch before I disappeared to Heathrow to catch my flight back to Tokyo.

My journey home was on Asiana, a Korean airline and hence my route took me via Seoul, South Korea, where I spent two interesting hours before my onward flight to Tokyo. Since I had been sitting for approximately 12 hours, I decided that walking was my best option for filling the time between flights. A little light window shopping at the duty free stores, but mostly I was people-watching. I am, after all, my mother's daughter! What fascinated me the most was that as I looked at young couples (of which there appeared to be many), I noticed that the majority of them were dressed alike. They looked like pairs of twins. Alike in every way, shirt, jacket, pants and shoes. The only variation might be if one was wearing a blue-and-white striped shirt and the partner was wearing red-and-white stripes. I have no idea if they were all heading for a "Dress Like Me" convention, or whether this is the popular dress code of the moment in Seoul. When I asked Tony about this, he had yet to notice it on his trips there! The people-watcher gene has passed him by, it seems. I would love to know the reason for this fashion, but may never find out......if anybody can enlighten me, I would love to hear from them.

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