Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Back on my bike

Well, it has been a long long time since our last post. Our lives changed somewhat at 2:46 on March 11th when a 9.0 magnitude earthquake struck off the east coast of Japan near Sendai. The earthquake triggered a huge tsunami and many lives were lost. We felt the quake in Tokyo-it was like riding on a runaway freight train. The whole house moved (I was at home at the time) and everything fell off shelves and onto the floor. It was noisy and terrifying and lasted what seemed like a lifetime, but was actually 6 minutes. We experienced over 500 aftershocks in the 5 days that we stayed on in the city. With the news of the damaged and leaking nuclear power plant (150 miles from here) getting worse by the hour, we decided to follow the embassy personnel and evacuate out until it was safe to return. With plans to be in Fairfax for Henry and Cat's May wedding, it was time to be at home for a while.

Now we are back and getting used to life here in the city again. I am planning on catching up on some wonderful events we attended before the earthquake, but which I did not manage to write up earlier.

I will try and write about the most interesting experiences and sights in chronological order, going back as far as the end of last year.

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