Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Still here and enjoying the city life

For those friends and family who are wondering where we are, we are still in Tokyo and plan to be here until the end of the year, which will mean we have lived here for three years. It has gone so quickly and I am afraid that I have let this journal languish since last year. After the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear radiation leaks, it became very hard to contemplate writing a light-hearted diary of the events in our lives, when we were witnessing so much suffering around us. The challenges to people's lives in the Tohoku region that was so badly affected by the events of March 11th, 2011 still continue, but Tony and I decided that we wanted to be in touch with all our circle of family and friends and that this was the most effective vehicle to use. When I was last in the USA, several people mentioned that they had felt out of touch with us, since I had ceased writing this blog, so that made me sit up and take notice, so here we are, online once again. My reporting of events from last year might be a little fogged up by the passage of time, but we have some fun photographs to share and hopefully, several interesting insights into the Japanese way of life and psyche.

I am going to start with my latest great joy; I have been studying Ikebana (Japanese flower arranging) since the fall of 2010, but missed many classes after leaving for several months after the earthquake. Since I came back in the summer of 2011, I have been taking my studies more seriously and latterly have decided to pursue my teaching certification from the Sogetsu School. This means working very hard and producing at least 6 arrangements a week. My teacher is wonderful and patient and always comes wearing a gorgeous kimono. At 82 years of age she is well known in Ikebana circles and is absolutely remarkable. I hope I do not wear her out with my enthusiasm and determination to plow through the coursework before I leave Japan. The following photographs are a selection of the arrangements I have done so far. Unfortunately, one of the locations where I take my classes is a school dining room, so there are lines of blue plastic chairs that somewhat mar the aesthetics!
 "Ikebana" is from the Japanese ikeru;"keep alive, living" and hana;"flower". The  origin of Ikebana is unidentified, but is it believed to have been started about 500 years ago. When Buddhism reached Japan in the 7th century, Ikebana is thought to have come to Japan as part of Buddhist practice. The offering of flowers on the altar in honor of Buddha was part of worship. Ikebana evolved from the Buddhist ritual of offering flowers to the spirits of the dead. The first classical styles of Ikebana started in the middle of the fifteenth century; the first students and teachers of Ikebana were Buddhist priests and members. As time passed, other schools emerged, styles changed, and Ikebana became a custom among the Japanese society.

 I am studying one of the more recent schools or styles of Ikebana; the Sogetsu School. According to the Iemetsu (headmistress) of the School :

Two containers with intertwined arrangements

"Sogetsu Ikebana is a borderless art which can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere, by anybody, and with any materials. Your own arrangement that represents your thoughts springs from your attunement to plants. Ikebana offers the world a revelation of plant beauty and brings both peace of mind and happiness to everyone. Express your own feelings with Sogetsu Ikebana that is always new, always beautiful".

 "In 1927, when everybody believed practicing Ikebana meant following established forms, Sofu Teshigahara recognized Ikebana as a creative art and founded the Sogetsu School. Anyone can enjoy Sogetsu Ikebana anytime, anywhere, using any material. You can place Sogetsu Ikebana at your door, in you living room or on your kitchen table. Sogetsu Ikebana enhances any hotel lobby or banquet room, shop windows and huge public spaces. It will suit any kind of space, Japanese or Western and enrich its atmosphere".

The arrangements begin by following strict rules, then once you know and appreciate these rules, you are allowed to develop your own style and use your imagination. I have learned to appreciate the materials I am given each lesson and to work with what I have. I have learned to be patient when a careful arrangement suddenly and capriciously collapses. I have learned to look at individual flowers and decide which is the best angle for it to be looked at and enjoyed. I have learned to appreciate my teacher (sensei), who, with one flick of her wrist, can turn my not so interesting display into something extraordinary.  My family are all able sketch artists, painters, designers and perhaps this is my small speck of an artistic streak finally encountering and enjoying its outlet.

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